My blog is ranked number 1.

Learn all the skills that are required to earn money online and work from home.
Freelance writing throws several avenues to work from home and earn a full time income. I know of a few people who make more than $1000 per month just by writing articles.
Article writing
Resume writing
Newspaper column writing
Poetry writing
Review writing
There are quite a lot of online marketplaces where job providers will advertise their requirements and mention their budget.
Even if you write just 4 articles per day @ $1 per article, you can easily earn around $120 per month.
You can earn small amounts of money by writing honest reviews of products and services. The products include digital products also like software and scripts.
There are big networks that hire you on a monthly salary. Some big names will pay you up to $25 per article. But to get employed by them, you must be a good writer, which you can become with a few months of writing experience.
One particular company is ready to pay $6 to $20 per page. You will be writing essays and term papers.
Ability to do research on the Internet for information
You should be self-organized
Write free of grammar errors
Willing to correct mistakes
Take criticism in the right spirit
Willing to re-do your work
Even on a conservative estimate, you can earn a minimum of $300 per month within 6 months.
MTurk Training
To be frank, there is really no limit. You can earn as much as you want.
On a conservative estimate, one can earn $10 in a matter of two hours. However, this depends on your Internet knowledge and other skills that you possess.
There are many more kinds of jobs available. Not all can be listed here.
Just like a traditional job, you will earn more money with practice and hard work.
I offer to train people to earn with MTurk. I believe people require training because:
* The website of MTurk is a bit difficult to understand for newbies in Internet. I give you a personal demonstration of how to use the site and earn money.
* There are certain job providers that you need to avoid and I know of a tool that can help you in this regard
* I will show you how to come to know of high paying jobs as soon as they are posted on MTurk
The name ‘Mechanical Turk”-why?
What are qualification tests?
Two ways to find work.
Styleguide Instruction
How to accept a work
What is approval rate
MTurk tools
How to find other MTurkers and interact
How to recognize bad job providers and avoid them
How to come to know high paying HITs instantly?
The training fee is only Rs.1000
Two to three hours.
Yes, I give you a screen shot tutorial and personal support on understanding the website of MTurk.
Those who possess at least some of the skills mentioned above can join.
It is not for total novices of Internet. If you say that you can only operate email and can chat, then, it is not for you. Sorry to be blunt.
You can start earning almost immediately after the training. In fact, it is possible for you to see some U.S. dollars in your name even during my personal demonstration.
R. Badri
Ruby Enclave, F2,
406, 18th Street, Korattur
Way back in 1998, I sought refuge in Internet. I was desperate to find some way to earn a living. For the first three years, I just browsed and browsed in search of a silver line.
I ended up learning several skills and finally, I earned my first $4 online. That was two years after I started scouring the web.
Even though I learnt useful skills that are required to make money online, I could not make it big. I persisted; I learnt. I compiled tons of resources, which I felt would help me one day.
Then, I entered into the world of HYIP which when expanded says, High Yield Income Potential. This involved money up front. I borrowed and courageously plunged in.
I was lucky and I earned good money. I started helping my friends but not all of them were as lucky as I was.
When the HYIP field started collapsing, God pushed me into the blogosphere. I was a novice in the world of blogging but by then, I have gained some knowledge about Internet Marketing.
I struggled to learn blogging. I tried, panted and failed. I got up and again failed. But this time, I was not wounded. God pushed me to go on. I read, read and read thousands of websites and blogs.
I established contacts with some of the top Internet marketers. I followed them wherever they went.
Slowly, the nuances of blogging knocked at my door. I threw the doors wide opened. Still, not all was rosy. I had to learn everything on my own.
First I learnt blogging through Blogger, a free platform offered by Google. I published my first blog in 2005. Deleted it in 2006 and published again another blog with the help of a Canadian in 2006. Till the year 2008, I was afraid to learn Wordpress blogging platform, that is more versatile than blogger.
I gathered enough courage, bought my first domain for my wordpress blog. The learning curve was real steep. However, with the help of God, I gained sufficient knowledge and today, I maintain 21 blogs and have plans for at least another four blogs.
I started training people who wanted to learn blogging. Only a handful of people came forward. Blogging is a serious business. It involves a lot of learning. Blogging is not for all. But, there is big money for passionate bloggers. No doubt about it.
Many of my contacts have asked me if they could earn online without a website or a blog. They were all interested to do some clerical work. I thought about their request. All the skills that I learnt in my early years can be put into use. The money may not be big at first, but then, which venture can shower you with money, as soon as you start?
There is a law of Universe in which I believe strongly. Quick money will disappear as quickly as it came, probably quicker.
These Internet skills are easy to learn and they will help anyone to work from home. Being able to work at home is very relaxing. Still, just because you are at home does not mean it is all fun and games. You also need skill and luck to make it work for you.
Once you get it rolling though, your home business can be a full-time job or a sideline to supplement your income. This is particularly true when using a computer and the Internet for your home business.
Let me briefly tell you about various easy ways to earn money from the Internet.
There are so many ads out there in the world trying to deter people. How do you know where to go? Those beckoning ads-are they genuine or are they trap? It is difficult to distinguish. I know, because, I have fallen many times.
I have tried so many different work-from-home gimmicks.
A personal guide, who has undergone the failures on behalf of you can render valuable guidance. I am here to guide you. I can help you set up your own online business. In the end, it is all up to you sustain all the ups and downs and still succeed.
Here are some of the non-technical skills that are in good demand in the Internet.
1. Forum Posting.
2. Directory submission
3. Blog Commenting
4. Social bookmarking
5. Link building
6. Signature marketing
7. Transcription work
8. Proof reading and Data entry
9. RSS Feed Submission
10. Press Release Distribution
11. Articles submission
12. Keyword research
Creative skills that can fetch you a better income:
What do you require to do these jobs?
Apart from learning how to do these online jobs, you definitely need:
How much can you earn?
Don’t expect to earn anything immediately. Once, you learn these skills, you need some practical experience. In addition, you must establish your credentials online as a dependable worker.
I would say you could earn anything from $150 to $500 per month starting from third month onwards. In some cases, the time taken to see the first dollar will be longer or even shorter.
The money and time mentioned above is just a rough estimate. Don’t get glued to it please. It is very important. Earnings are not typical.
What I would do for you?
I will teach you the skills required for:
1 Forum Posting
2 Directory Submission
3 Blog Commenting
4 Social Bookmarking
6 RSS Feed submission
7 Article Submission
These are very basic clerical skills that can be quickly mastered and put into use for financial gains.
I will give you all the resources I have.
I will demonstrate how to do the work
I will show you where to find work.
I will tell you how to get first credentials without much experience to show.
I will tell you how to maintain your work report.
Can you give me a name for this work at home business?
Yes, you will be learning 75% of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Are there competitors in this business?
Acute competition! Just do a search in Google or Yahoo! for “SEO India”.
Note: The rate for Indian companies and individuals will be much less.
Who knows, one day, you can start your own professional SEO services. There are more SEO companies in
What is the training duration?
Each module will take two hours, probably quicker.
I am planning to conduct this course on an ongoing basis. I intend to conduct this course on Saturdays and Sundays in two batches.
First batch: 8 Am to 10 AM
Second Batch: 4 PM to 6 PM
How much it will be?
It will be Rs.500 for each module. If you want to learn all the 8 modules, it will be Rs. 3500.
Where it will be?
At my office located at:
Ruby Enclave, F2,
406, 18th
Landmark: Near Bkathavatsalam Vidyashram
Phone: 91 9600090096
There will be a free introductory session on Saturday the 15th May at my office at 8.00 AM. It will be more of a Question & Answer session. You are free to ask anything and I will try to answer to the best of my knowledge.
If you are interested in learning other creative skills, I provide these:
Please call me for custom training packages.