Freelance writing throws several avenues to work from home and earn a full time income. I know of a few people who make more than $1000 per month just by writing articles.
Different avenues for freelance writers:
Article writing
Resume writing
Newspaper column writing
Poetry writing
Review writing
There are mainly two ways to earn as a writer for the Internet. One is by bidding for job requirements in online market places and the other is by getting hired directly by submitting samples of your writing work. There is no need to win a bid in the second method.
There is a third method of earning by writing but it is not a lucrative avenue. If you have approved Google AdSense id, you can submit your articles to several revenue sharing websites.
Earn by bidding in online market places:
There are quite a lot of online marketplaces where job providers will advertise their requirements and mention their budget.
As a job provider, you can bid for jobs that you feel you are competent to do it. Invariably, you will have to pay percentage of your earnings to the owner of the marketplace. So, you must place your bid taking into the fees you have to pay.
Initially, your bid may not be successful but you will learn how to win bids in due course.
Since the rate per article varies, I would put $1 per article as a minimum you can earn. This is the lowest rate. The more number of articles you write, the more you can earn. Most of the time, the specified word count would be between 300 – 500 words per article.
Even if you write just 4 articles per day @ $1 per article, you can easily earn around $120 per month.
Earn by writing reviews:
You can earn small amounts of money by writing honest reviews of products and services. The products include digital products also like software and scripts.
But, you can earn big money if you write reviews of movies and books. I know of a company that will pay you even $50 per review.
Your earnings will depend on the number of reads your contribution gets and the numbers of votes the readers give on your writing.
Here too, the rate per review will vary. Some companies will pay you a flat rate per review while some pay per number of votes your review gets.
You can expect a minimum of $25 in a month.
Earn as a freelance article writer:
There are big networks that hire you on a monthly salary. Some big names will pay you up to $25 per article. But to get employed by them, you must be a good writer, which you can become with a few months of writing experience.
You can earn as high as $1000 per month as a freelance article writer.
Earning opportunity for academic writers:
One particular company is ready to pay $6 to $20 per page. You will be writing essays and term papers.
Skills required to earn as a freelance writer:
Ability to do research on the Internet for information
You should be self-organized
Write free of grammar errors
Willing to correct mistakes
Take criticism in the right spirit
Willing to re-do your work
Even on a conservative estimate, you can earn a minimum of $300 per month within 6 months.